Every Man Loves A Local Booty Call
Everyone remembers the good old days of booty call dating from the days before the internet even existed. There was nothing better than receiving a midnight call from a chick you knew that was maybe a little drunk and just wanted to give you a late night spicy visit. Of course, I used to get those calls because I had made it quite clear to them that I was available for such thing if the need ever stroke them (you get the pun?). The great thing is that since I've started online adult dating, I now still get the occasional booty call! I love it, it is unplanned and a spurt of the moment, and I find myself not being able to say no!
Booty Call Vs Sex Dating, What's The Difference?
As I've just said, a booty call is unpredictable, it can happen when you least expect it. The difference with that and sex dating is that with sex dating, I get to call the shots; as opposed to just sit down in my house waiting for the phone to ring. Don't get me wrong I still love nothing better than a local booty call hitting me up randomly but I do prefer staying in control and arranging my sex hook-ups; it gives me the time to prepare so I can get myself in the mood. So as much as I enjoy surprises; I would still pick sex dating against booty calls. And let's face it, I've been getting laid far more often thanks to my online dating habits!
Why I Started Meeting Women Online
I started meeting women online specifically because I got fed up of waiting for things to happen. Between going out to clubs and bars and just waiting for my phone to ring, my sex life was getting pretty sparse and I was just not getting laid enough. I'm not saying that I need to get laid every day, but 2-3 times a week is a good realistic number for me. You can't really truly discover women and great sex if it only happens once a month, and I feel like I've discovered so much since I started meeting women online. If I had to rely only on the women in my social circles, I would never have got to experience so much fun and memories which haunt my dreams every night!